Marty Vine Benefit

Saturday Aug. 18, 2012
Center Point American Legion Hall
114 Main St. – Center Point, Ia
5-10 p.m.

Silent and Live Auction
(Visa, Mastercard, and Discover accepted) 

Serving walking tacos, pulled-pork sandwiches, salad, and desert.
Raffle of two half-hogs donated by Shulista Farms and processed by Walker Locker.

Cash donations may be made to: Marty Vine Benefit
c/o Center Point Bank & Trust, P.O. Box 255, Center Point, IA 52213
(319) 849-1838

Jan. 17, 2012 - Marty was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer.
Radiation and round-the-clock chemotherapy began on Jan. 23.

Mar. 30 - a scan showed the cancer had metastasized to his liver and lungs.
The cancer was now termed Stage 4, and aggressive.

On Apr. 6, a P.E.T. scan showed cancer in his bones. Marty’s chemotherapy treatment was revised, and he was given a second round of cancer fighting drugs.

May 14 - a new scan shows the tumors are shrinking!

July 16 - six months after the initial diagnosis, a new PET scan shows new areas of cancer, primarily in the bones. Marty's cancer is proving resistant to the current treatment, so the treatment regimen is again revised to include a monthly infusion that will help strenthen the bones. This is discouraging news, but the support and prayers of friends and family continue, as does Marty's will to carry on the fight.

A lifelong resident of the Center Point area, Marty farms, and has worked at Quaker Oats for 11 years.

Marty has been unable to work since early January; he and his wife Kim have three children.

Come out and help a wonderful family in need of a hand!

Proceeds of this benefit will be used to offset medical bills the Vine family has incurred because of this illness.

Benefit organized by Dan McDaniel with help from Crystal Vine, Mark Lebeda, and many, many others.

To donate items for the auctions; food for the benefit; or your time; contact:

Dan (319)929-5602
Crystal (319)929-2769
Mark (319)393-8146